术语 | 2024年《政府工作报告》(中英对照)
中文 |
英文 |
过去一年我国发展取得的新成就: |
新冠疫情防控实现平稳转段 |
secure a smooth transition in Covid-19 response |
未来产业 |
industries of the future; future-oriented industries |
技术合同成交额 |
volume of contracted technology transactions |
加强全国统一大市场建设 |
step up efforts to build a unified national market |
国有企业改革深化提升行动 |
initiatives to deepen and upgrade SOE reform |
“三北”工程攻坚战 |
crucial stage in the shelterbelt program in northeast, north, and northwest China |
提高“一老一小”个人所得税专项附加扣除标准 |
increase special additional deductions for individual income tax, which cover children nursing expenses, children’s education, and elderly care expenses |
一年来主要做的工作: |
统筹稳增长和增后劲 |
take coordinated steps to ensure stable growth and sustain its momentum |
固本培元 |
consolidate the foundations of the economy |
一揽子化解地方债务方案 |
a package of steps to address local government debt |
新型工业化 |
new industrialization |
政企常态化沟通交流机制 |
a mechanism for regular government-business communication |
开展清理拖欠企业账款专项行动 |
special initiatives to settle overdue payments owed to enterprises |
电动汽车、锂电池、光伏产品“新三样” |
new trio -- electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic products |
打好蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战 |
efforts to keep the skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean |
重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程 |
major projects for protecting and restoring key ecosystems |
“双减” |
relieve students of excessive burdens from homework and off-campus tutoring |
新冠病毒感染“乙类乙管”措施 |
In Covid-19 response, measures against Class B infectious diseases were applied. |
学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育 |
initiatives to study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era |
提升行政执法质量三年行动 |
a three-year action plan for improving administrative law enforcement |
持续纠治“四风” |
continue to rectify pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance |
全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议 |
the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative |
2024年经济社会发展总体要求和政策取向: |
统筹扩大内需和深化供给侧结构性改革 |
both expand domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reform |
统筹新型城镇化和乡村全面振兴 |
promote new urbanization and all-around rural revitalization in a coordinated way |
统筹高质量发展和高水平安全 |
ensure both high-quality development and greater security |
稳中求进、以进促稳、先立后破 |
pursue progress while ensuring stability, promote stability through progress, and establish the new before abolishing the old |
转方式、调结构、提质量、增效益 |
transform the growth model, make structural adjustments, improve quality, and enhance performance |
超长期特别国债 |
ultra-long special treasury bonds |
兜牢基层“三保”底线 |
see that, at the primary level, basic living needs are met, salaries are paid, and governments function smoothly |
结构性减税降费 |
structural tax and fee reduction |
宏观政策取向一致性 |
consistency of macro policy orientation |
习近平经济思想 |
Xi Jinping Thought on the Economy |
质量第一、效益优先 |
put quality first and give priority to performance |
2024年政府工作任务: |
新质生产力 |
new quality productive forces |
全要素生产率 |
total factor productivity |
补齐短板、拉长长板、锻造新板 |
shore up weak links, reinforce strengths, and foster new capabilities |
“人工智能+”行动 |
AI Plus initiative |
全国一体化算力体系 |
a nationally unified computing system |
大中小学思想政治教育一体化建设 |
integrated development of the political education curriculum across all levels, from elementary school to university |
基础教育扩优提质行动 |
initiatives to upgrade basic education |
建设中国特色、世界一流的大学和优势学科 |
develop world-class universities and leading disciplines with Chinese features |
“揭榜挂帅”机制 |
open competition mechanism for selecting the best candidates to lead research projects |
新型消费 |
new types of consumption |
“放心消费行动” |
“worry-free consumption” initiative |
市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境 |
world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized |
国有经济布局优化和结构调整指引制度 |
system to provide guidance on improving the layout and adjusting structure of the state-owned sector |
高水平社会主义市场经济体制改革先行区 |
pilot reform zones for building a high-standard socialist market economy |
跨境服务贸易负面清单 |
negative list for cross-border trade in services |
“投资中国” |
Invest in China |
自贸试验区提升战略 |
strategy to upgrade pilot free trade zones |
支持高质量共建“一带一路”八项行动 |
eight major measures for supporting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation |
房地产发展新模式 |
a new development model for real estate |
“千村示范、万村整治”工程 |
the Green Rural Revival Program in Zhejiang Province |
大农业观 |
an all-encompassing approach to agriculture |
大食物观 |
an all-encompassing approach to food |
第二轮土地承包到期后再延长30年整省试点 |
province-wide trials on extending rural land contracts by another 30 years upon the expiration of second-round contracts |
新型农村集体经济 |
new types of rural collective economies |
区域协调发展战略、区域重大战略、主体功能区战略 |
the coordinated regional development strategy, major regional strategies, and the functional zoning strategy |
“人地钱”挂钩政策 |
policies for linking transfer payment increases and the amount of local land designated for urban development to the number of urban residency approvals local governments grant |
美丽中国先行区 |
pilot zones for the Beautiful China Initiative |
“碳达峰十大行动” |
the 10 major initiatives for peaking carbon emissions |
健康中国行动和爱国卫生运动 |
the Healthy China Initiative and patriotic health campaigns |
银发经济 |
the silver economy |
习近平文化思想 |
Xi Jinping Thought on Culture |
第四次全国文物普查 |
the fourth national survey of cultural artifacts |
安全生产治本攻坚三年行动 |
a three-year drive to address the root causes of workplace accidents and ensure production safety |
新时代“枫桥经验” |
the Fengqiao model for promoting community-level governance in the new era |
建设人民满意的法治政府、创新政府、廉洁政府和服务型政府 |
build a law-based, innovation-driven, and service-oriented government of integrity that meets the people’s expectations |
“四下基层” |
go into communities to communicate the Party’s lines and policies, carry out research and studies, address people’s complaints, and conduct field work |
“高效办成一件事” |
one-stop government services |
习近平强军思想 |
Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military |
打好实现建军一百年奋斗目标攻坚战 |
take critical steps to meet the centenary goal of the People’s Liberation Army |
构建现代军事治理体系 |
modernize the military governance system |
平等有序的世界多极化 |
an equal and orderly multipolar world |
普惠包容的经济全球化 |
universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization |
以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业 |
build a great country and advance national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization |
(编辑: T-win)