近日,《剑桥词典》(Cambridge Dictionary)公布了2022年度词汇:Homer(本垒打)。Homer是棒球运动中的术语,指击球员将对方来球击出后,击球员依次跑过一、二、三垒并安全回到本垒。Homer实际上是非正式的美式英语单词,这样一个专业词汇为什么能成为今年的年度词汇呢?这就要从海外非常火的一款猜词游戏Wordle说起了。
The endless permutations of five-letter words took over the internet in 2022 as the online puzzle game Wordle dominated social media feeds, pop culture and even determined the Cambridge Dictionary’s word of the year.
“Homer” was looked up on the Cambridge Dictionary website more than 79,000 times this year, with 65,401 searches taking place in one day – May 5.
The reason? That was the day it was the Wordle answer, provoking frustration from non-American users unfamiliar with the term as they attempted to secure a win by guessing the word within the game’s six-guess limit.
游戏界面是一个 5×6 的方块阵列。玩家通过下方键盘输入猜测结果后,游戏会给字母方块标上颜色,提示猜测的准确性:
“Homer” is an informal American-English term for a home run in baseball, Cambridge Dictionary said in a news release Wednesday. Others might know it as the name of a Simpsons character or an ancient Greek poet.
“Many players outside the US had not heard this word before,” added the news release. “Huge numbers of players expressed their frustration and annoyance on social media, but many also turned to the Cambridge Dictionary to find out more.”
“Still angry about ‘homer,’” one person tweeted on May 31. “It’s been weeks now. Furious.”
There were several other American-English words that appeared on Wordle and later spiked in searches on the Cambridge Dictionary website – described by the dictionary’s news release as the “Wordle effect.”
The American spelling of “humor” saw increased traffic, with almost 30,000 searches on the day it was the Wordle answer, while more unusual words like “caulk” and “bayou” were also searched thousands of times.
Cambridge Dictionary’s choice for word of the year illustrates the popularity of a simple game that could be shared online when global pandemic restrictions limited social interactions for millions.
(编辑: T-win)